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Refund and Returns Policy

Refund and Returns Policy

Welcome to Tarak Exam Center Coaching Store! We provide e-books, PDF notes, and other digital educational materials for various competitive exams.

Due to the nature of digital products, our refund and returns policy is as follows:

Refunds and Returns:

General Policy:

  • Once purchased, no refunds or returns will be provided for any e-books, PDF notes, or other digital products.
  • Due to the nature of digital products, they cannot be returned or canceled after purchase.

Unexpected Errors:

  • If a technical error occurs during the purchase and you are charged twice for the same product, we will refund your additional payment.
  • For a refund, you must provide proof of purchase (such as a transaction receipt).
  • It may take 7-10 business days to process the refund.

Other Important Information:

Product Description:

  • Before purchasing, please read the product description and features carefully.
  • Ensure that the product you are buying meets your requirements.

Problem Resolution:

  • If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to contact us via WhatsApp.

We hope you understand our refund and returns policy.

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